Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Bit of Narcassism

Okay so I am not finishing my top ten albums of 2008 because I have just run out of steam talking about the music i have been yapping about for the past year. Let's talk about me, about life, and basically do what the blog of 20 year old journalism major at Rutgers should be for.

Damn winter break was fast! Not to say it wasn't enjoyable but damn just like every new year that comes, time just speeds the hell and doesn't slow down. I go back to school next Monday and I am looking forward to it but at the same time dreading it just simply because it is school. I have also learned based on that notion that I am not the rah rah Rutgers student that everyone else at school is. I love my school and everything it offers me but to say that I eat sleep and breathe the school is far from the truth. I'm not gonna be one of those guys who twenty five years from now long after I have graduated that is going to donate a shitload of money each year to the school. We already have enough money and see where that has gotten us, a fucking' expansion on our football stadium for our mediocre team. Sure we made it to a bowl game this winter but so did every other NCAA football team for god sakes! But i digress, back to the basics of the day.

The weekend was pretty fast, spent watching allot of football and getting a bit woozy with my friends. Spent time with my mother who haven't really hung out with alot since we got back from our vacation which is sad since I saw her everyday on vacation and our relationship grew so much better then it had been. Never the less she still has a full week to see me before I head back and i will most likely be home on numerous weekends again.

I saw Frost/Nixon today, single handidly one of the best movies I have ever seen and I think I am going to write a full review about it this week as well as talk about some of my life realizations that I have discovered over this break about love, friendship, and advancing myself as a good human being. I am also writing some articles already for the first issue of the inside beat for the semester. They actually gave me a bi weekly review column in which I profile a classic album that I know probably a lot of people have not paid attention to minus die hard music lovers and critics. I'm also going to the New York city comic con in three weeks and I can't fucking wait! I'm hoping the beat will let me cover it as a front page story, that would be sweet! Off to bed, ciao.

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